NewWorld3D Example Code

Here is an example of using the NewWorld3D control from Visual Basic:

Private Declare Function PlayMIDI Lib "miniMIDI.DLL" Alias "PLAYMIDI" (fileName As String) As Integer
Private Declare Function StopMIDI Lib "miniMIDI.DLL" Alias "STOPMIDI" () As Integer

Dim MusicOn As Integer
Private Sub cmd_ChangeMap_Click()
	myNW.nwSelectMap "C:\Program Files\NewWorld3D\", "flipWorld.txt"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
	myNW.nw3DInit "C:\Program Files\NewWorld3D\", "maze.txt"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
	Dim tempx As Integer, tempy As Integer
	If KeyCode = 87 Then ' w key
	ElseIf KeyCode = 65 Then ' a key
	ElseIf KeyCode = 83 Then ' s key
	ElseIf KeyCode = 68 Then ' d key
	ElseIf KeyCode = 32 Then
	End If
	tempx = myNW.nwGetPosX: tempy = myNW.nwGetPosY
	tempx = tempx / 64: tempy = tempy / 64
	If (tempx < 990 And tempx > 920) And (tempy < 2000 And tempy > 1950) Then
		txt_Status = "Meet the buddha"
	ElseIf tempx > 12 And tempx < 18 And tempy > 29 And tempy < 32 Then
		txt_Status = "Listen to my music!"
		PlayMIDI "Beet5.MID"
		MusicOn = True
		txt_Status = "X:" & tempx & " Y:" & tempy
		If MusicOn Then
			MusicOn = False
		End If
	End If
	KeyCode = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Terminate()
	If MusicOn Then
		MusicOn = False
	End If
End Sub

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